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American families held in Iran ask Trump to issue visas to high-ranking Iranian children.

12/3/2018 7:46:44 PM 7:46:44 PM 

Gegli news

 Washington - American families arrested in Iran ordered the Tramp office to hand over American visas to the children of senior Iranian government officials, but the White House has still taken steps, two close source sources told GEGLI News.

Families of American prisoners consider the government's response to their request. As part of a wider disability to guarantee the release of their loved ones, despite the president's promise to solve the problem, two family friends and two congressional advisers told NBC News .
At least four US citizens and one US citizen are currently in jail in Iran after being held secretly on charges of espionage. Human rights groups say arrests are arbitrary and unfounded.
Families provided the government and several legislators with a list of Iranian nationals living in the United States and children or relatives of senior Iranian officials, including President Hassan Rouhani.
Nadim Zakka, whose father Nizar, a US citizen in 2015, was invited to attend a conference on the Internet, and then was imprisoned, said the cancellation of visas from Iranian authorities and their families "The US government can at least stop Making this process happen since hostages have been arrested for 40 years. "
Zakka added: "They have to pay the price personally to know that any action will personally affect them."
"I miss the fact that the agency is very clever in the regime and knows very well that these very senior officials are targeting innocent Americans for harassment," said a close friend of a family. "Of course, the least we can do is to deny our family members the benefits of living and working in our great country."
Two sources in the Iranian-American community told GEGLI News that the list is precisely the identification of the relatives of senior Iranian government heroes.
Among the nominees was the son of Masumeh Ikhahar, who became known as an informal spokesman for student protesters who accepted the US embassy in 1979 and took 524 Americans for 444 days hostage. He is currently Vice President of Women and Family Affairs in the Iranian government.
According to social media specifications, his son is a Los Angeles student. Hashemi's presence in California has previously been reported by Radio Free Europe and other media.The daughter of Ali Larijani, a powerful spokesman for the Iranian parliament, is also on the list. According to his medical directories and research citations, he is an intern at the Ohio Hospital.
The nephew of President Hassan Rouhani attended the New York City School and is now working in New York, according to LinkedIn. The nephew's father was former cleric Rouhani's former adviser who was killed after the hardline opponents of the regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran were burnt down.
Friends of American families arrested in Iran say that visas issued to children of prominent Iranian authorities should be subject to closer scrutiny and used as a potential leverage point, as is the case with other foreign governments. To be
"We think of Iranian officials and family members who travel here to study and travel," said another family friend. "We have to look at them a bit closer."
"The United States is trying to establish any option to pressure the Iranian regime to end its arbitrary arrest from American individuals," said a State Department official on the option to cancel or threaten to cancel the visa for relatives of Iranian officials. It will continue to press Iran in these cases until it is resolved. "
An official not authorized to quote, he added: "I can not provide details of private diplomatic discussions or domestic policy consultations."
On Monday, several American and European families with relatives of prisoners in Iran issued an open letter to world leaders and the United Nations calling for urgent action, accusing Iran of "hostage" charges.
"This is definitive evidence, and we should consider this as what we are considering: hostage taking," adding that Tehran uses the detainees as trading chips.
The Iranian government denied allegations of arresting hostages and said those who were sentenced to prison were convicted of a judicial and judicial conviction. Iran's mission to the United Nations has not responded to requests for accountability.
A letter from families said: "We believe that Iranian authorities have no incentive to end the brutal and terrible acts of hostage-taking as a result of inappropriate pressure from the international community." "World leaders must raise the political costs of human rights violations to a large extent so that our beloved liberation is beneficial for Iranian authorities."
The Iranian government has not responded to requests for comment.

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